I am suffering from hair loss. After my son was born, my hair began to fall off, what’s worse the hair was detached from the roots. When I use my fingers to pass my hair while washing, I can easily pull out clumps of hair, after washing for a few times, the drain-pipe is blocked up.
Then, I found my hair everywhere, on the floor, bed, clothes etc. This confuse me very much, my hair is getting thinner and thinner, and sometimes I even worry if I will become bald. So I consulted my doctor and collected some information about how to reduce postpartum hair loss.
Why Does Hair Fall Off After Postpartum?
In fact, every postpartum women will suffer the hair loss, and the the severity is different according to each woman's physique. My doctor said that the elevated estrogen levels cause hair to grow longer and thicker than usual during pregnancy. This means that the hair feels and looks thicker throughout pregnancy.
However, after delivery, the level of hair quickly returns to normal levels, causing the hair to transition from the growth phase to the shedding phase (called telogen), resulting in more hair loss than ever before.
Breastfeeding can also be affected by an increase in the level of hormones (prolactin), which is also associated with hair loss. So this is what every new mother will do.
How To Reduce Postpartum Hair Loss?
1. Various vitamins
You should continue to take a variety of vitamins after birth, rich in vitamins and minerals, can make hair and nails grow quickly, and help increase the amount of breast milk.
2. Trimming hair
Long hair is more likely to cause tangles, which leads to more hair loss. Shortening your hair can also shorten your care time. If you have a date, wedding or spacial occasions, and want to style a long beautiful hair, you can store a
human hair wig for various hairstyles. Hair wigs won’t damage your own hair, on the contrary, it will help you to reduce your hair loss.
3. More Moisturizing
All types of hair, especially natural hair, can become extremely dry after giving birth and lead to more breakage. Use a moisturizing type of amino acid product to increase the moisture and toughness of your hair.
4. Avoid Heat Tools
The postpartum hair is very fragile. Heat tools such as curlers will increase the risk of hair loss. If you must use a heating tool to style your hair, use a protective styling product to reduce damage. Or,
lace front wig is also a good choice to create a natural hairline without hurting your own hair.
5. Eat Foods That Promote Hair Growth
Some of these foods are but not limited to: eggs, sweet potatoes, blueberries, sunflower seeds, fish, walnuts, beans, asparagus and spinach.These special foods contain all the vitamins you need to help reduce your hair loss and prepare your scalp for new hair growth.
These are some tips for how to reduce postpartum hair loss. Hope you have a healthy hair and happy new-mom life. Generally, the hair loss will last 6-12 months, you can invest a hair wig for your special-day usage.
Kriyya Hair is always here for you!