synthetic half wigs
synthetic half wigs How to avoid wigs heat damage? Before using any hot tools, keep your hair wig dry because wet hair is more susceptible to heat damage. Then spray with a thermal protectant spray and distribute evenly over each part of the hair wig except the lace and wig to protect your wig from heat damage. What is more, make sure to start at a lower temperature and void constant heat styling of wigs as this can lead to potential damage.
How to put off the lace wig? First, for long hair wigs, you need to put the long hair into ponytail, for short hair wigs, use bobby pins to secure the hair to see lace seam more clear. Second, soak up a towel, cotton swab, or makeup brush in wig adhesive remover. Then gently moisten the edges of the lace seams with the soaked towel, cotton swab, or makeup brush to weaken the adhesive wig remover. Wait a few minutes for the lace to absorb the adhesive remover, until seeing the lace seams visibly falling off. Next gently pull the lace seams without straining.
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